'I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly - to live life in all its fullness.' John 10:10
Without the offer to 'live life in all its fullness', the chances to thrive are
hidden from us. Our curriculum is a promise to our pupils, and the community, of an abundant life of learning so that all can flourish, now and for all time.

'Knowing well, thinking well, communicating well.'
We are very proud of our school curriculum. In fact, we want it to be the best Primary School curriculum in the world! We are hugely ambitious in the breadth and depth of knowledge we want our pupils to gain in their subjects. It has been designed using a 'Trivium' approach and we have worked to develop it with the writer and leading Educational Consultant Martin Robinson. The 3 phases of a Trivium curriculum are:
Developing rich foundational knowledge
Thinking and deepening our understanding and wisdom through questions, discussion and debate
Communication and expressing our learning
You will see this approach running through all of our subjects and lessons. Each subject has been carefully planned out so that pupils make great progress - whatever their starting points. You can find out more about each subject by clicking on the links in the menu above. An overview of our whole school curriculum is below.
We take great care in ensuring pupils make progress by carefully organising and sequencing the knowledge, understanding and skills we want them to acquire in each subject as they move through our school - this is called a progression model. We also know how important it is to break learning down into small steps and to regularly review it, so we make sure this has been planned for too.
Curriculum Maps (Year Group)
Curriculum Maps (Subject)
Curriculum maps for individual subjects can be find be found on each subject and year group pages.
Parents can help by talking with their child about the subject using the 'Knowledge Organisers' on the subject and year group pages. These can be great to support your child by quizzing them and for finding out more. These are the key ideas we want our pupils to know in each subject for that half term.
If you would like to find out any more about our school's curriculum, or have any questions, please contact your child's class teacher or Mr Le Bredonchel (Head Teacher).