Children with sensory or physical needs may have a disability, such as;
physical disability
vision impairment
hearing impairment
multi-sensory impairment (both hearing and vision difficulties)
dyspraxia (also known as Developmental co-ordination disorder)
They may need specialist equipment to access learning and other opportunities available to their peers.
They may also need support to help with daily tasks such as eating or travelling.
Example Provisions & Interventions
Seating position in class
Learning environment considerations eg position of classroom
Access to equipment e.g. pen grips, laptop
Rest Breaks
Alternative ways of recording
Use of ICT
Typing skills
Use of alternative equipment
Fine motor skills intervention e.g. handwriting/High 5
Gross motor skills intervention e.g. FUNFIT
Advisory Teacher Input
Personal emergency evacuation plan
Physio plans
Risk assessments
Advisory Teacher Input
Preplanning for trips
Sensory & Physical Needs
Miss Claire Tanner (Assistant Headteacher / SENDCO)