Personal, Social, Health Education
At Ilfracombe Church of England Junior School, our Christian Vision of 'Life in all its fullness' means we are committed to pupils being provided with an education that prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. A key part of this relates to relationships education, which must be delivered to every primary-aged pupil. Primary schools also have the option to decide whether pupils are taught sex education. State-funded primary schools are also required to teach health education.
We teach aspects of this across the curriculum and through extra curricular activities as well as during weekly PSHE lessons.
PSHE Policy
We understand our responsibility to deliver a high-quality, age-appropriate and evidence-based relationships, sex and health curriculum for all our pupils. This policy sets out the framework for our relationships, sex and health curriculum, providing clarity on how it is informed, organised and delivered.
Relationships and health education in primary schools became compulsory in September 2020 as planned; however, due to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, schools have been offered flexibility on when to begin delivering these subjects within the 2020/2021 academic year.
Relationships education focusses on giving pupils the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships, and to build their self-efficacy. Health education focusses on equipping pupils with the knowledge they need to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing.
Schools that are prepared to deliver teaching in these subjects and have assessed that they meet the requirements in the DfE’s ‘Relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education’ guidance are encouraged to begin delivering teaching as soon as practically possible, and no later than the start of the Summer term in 2021. In these cases, a phased approach should be used (if needed) when introducing the subjects.
We are now consulting with parents about the policy before it is approved by the Full Governing Body and we would welcome any questions or comments you may have. Please complete the form below.
PSHE Curriculum Map
Our PSHE Curriculum map outlines the topics covered in each year group.

We will regularly post PSHE updates, including pupil's work, in the blog below!​