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Year 6 House Tag Rugby Competition

Updated: Oct 19, 2021

We had our first house competition for a long time on Friday 1st October and what a great competition it was.

A group of Year 6 children represented their house in a Tag Rugby competition. There was a great competitive atmosphere and amazing weather, each house played against each other for house points and to have a fun filled afternoon.

The competition could not have been closer with first and second place having the same points, and the winner was decided on which team had scored the most tries!

The results are as follows:

4th place with three points - Enterprise

3rd place with five points - Discovery

2nd place with 8 points - Challenger (with three tries)

1st place with 8 points - Endeavour (with four tries)

Our player of the tournament was Daisy Wallace-Cook, well done Daisy! Well done to all that competed!

House competition running total: Challenger: 50, Enterprise: 10, Discovery: 30, Endeavour: 20



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