We had a WOW moment in Science this week…
As a mini investigation, we predicted what would happen if we mixed vinegar and baking soda together!
Here is what we predicted:
“One could presume that it the mixture will become soft like a moisturiser because the powder is soft and the vinegar is a liquid like water.” Amber Barrington
“One might expect that when you mix the vinegar and baking soda together, it will explode, because vinegar is an acid.” Lavender Jenner and Harrison Scovell
“I predict that the bubbles will rise to the surface because baking soda makes cakes rise, so the bubbles will too!” Meisha Festorazzi, Miena Challacombe, Theo Baxendale, Charlie Astridge
We now know that the baking soda reacts with the acidic vinegar, which releases gas. This causes the bubbles!!
