It was so lovely to welcome back all of our pupils to school today! I visited all of the classes throughout the day and the children were absolutely fantastic.
I would like to thank all of our parents and carers for their patience and understanding with the drop off and pick up. We have tried to stagger it as best we can to enable some parents on site safely and we will keep this under close review. If you have any specific concerns please do contact us, especially if you are trying to coordinate timings with multiple children.
We are currently speaking with the council about the possibility of parking permits in Oxford Grove car park for parents at drop off and collection time and we will share these details as soon as we can. Please try to avoid arriving early as this increases congestion on the pavements outside of the school.
Morning drop off:
Year 3 8.50am - 9am - bottom playground / main entrance
Year 4 8.40am - 8.50am - bottom playground / main entrance
Year 5 8.50am - 9am - top gate
Year 6 8.40am - 8.50am - top gate
Afternoon collection:
Year 3 3.20pm - bottom playground / main entrance
Year 4 3.10pm - bottom playground / main entrance
Year 5 3.20am - top gate
Year 6 3.10pm - top gate
Please exit the bottom playground through the main driveway rather than the pedestrian exit.
The gate next to the council playground on Princess Avenue will be open in the mornings only but parents and carers will not be able to access the school site from here. Staff will be available to direct your child to their class.
Thank you once again for your understanding and we hope your child has returned home very happy today!
Kind regards
Mr Le Bredonchel