Dear parents and carers,
I am just writing with a short update to keep in touch.
This week saw the return of Year 6 pupils to school alongside the children of key workers. The plans we had put in place made for a successful week, enabling us to safely have all of the children in school that were eligible for a place.
I know there are a great many children in years 3, 4 & 5 that will want to be in school and I really am sorry that you are having to continue to support them at home. I know how difficult this must be, especially with many parents needing and wanting to return to work. We have had no information yet as to a wider opening of school before the summer holidays but please rest assured that as soon as we can, we will do our very best to expand our provision in accordance with the government guidance. I am very proud of how our staff have responded to everything so far and we will continue to do our very best to meet the needs of the community.
We will begin to make regular calls again next week to children in years 3, 4 and 5. I know many families have appreciated this contact and it is important to us that you and your children know that we are still there for them. We will try and provide encouragement and answer any questions that you or your child may have.
We also have a range of maths resources should your child prefer to work through paper based activities and this might also help if getting online can be an issue. Please see the images below.
These can be collected from school, along with the Home Learning packs, on Monday from - 10am or at other times by arrangement. We have some stationary and exercise books that we can also give you if you are running low at home and library books can be collected and swapped too. I would just need to remind parents and family members not to come to school to collect resources if anybody in the household is showing any symptoms of Covid-19.
We are open to any feedback you may have regarding home learning and, again, please know that we are still here for you and can answer any questions you may have. You can contact us on 01271 863463 and is checked regularly if you would prefer to email.
Kind regards
Mr Le Bredonchel