This half term in DT Year 5 are looking at food. Our end goal is to make a seasonal, healthy soup. To do this we have learnt all about two different chefs; Jamie Oliver and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. These chefs have given us inspiration for healthy eating and taught us about what seasonal vegetables are and why they are a benefit to us.
Another lesson we have completed involved a trip to the cookery room. Soup tasting! As a class we tried five different soups to see which we preferred. We judged them on their appearance, texture, taste and smell. Every child tried the soup and some really surprised themselves on what they liked!
We are now at the stage where we are planning our recipes. We are going to consider our market research (which soup was the most popular in our class) and what vegetables are in season.
Once we have planned our recipes we will take a trip back to the cookery room to make our soups and taste others!
