Dear Parents
The School Performance Tables have now been updated for the academic year 2017-2018 and are available here:
We are very proud of this year's Key Stage 2 results. Our pupils' attainment was good and the highlights include:
64% of pupils achieved the Expected Standard in Reading, Writing and Maths combined. The National Average was 64%
76% of pupils met the Expected Standard in Reading. The National Average was 75%
34% of pupils achieved the Higher Standard in Reading. The National Average was 28%
77% of pupils met the Expected Standard in Maths. The National Average was 76%
25% of pupils achieved the Higher Standard in Maths. The National Average was 24%
Furthermore, the pupils made good progress from their starting point in our school. Although the official progress scores do not necessarily reflect this, we have been working very closely with the Department of Education and OFSTED to raise awareness of the difficulties Junior schools have in demonstrating good progress across Key Stage 2. We would like to draw your attention to the following message that is now included for parents:
Junior schools
We know from national data that pupils at junior schools, on average, have higher attainment scores at the end of key stage 2 than pupils at all other primary schools. However, on average, they also have lower progress scores. This may be for a variety of reasons and should be taken into account when comparing their results to schools which start educating their pupils from the beginning of key stage 1.
We would like to thank the pupils, parents and staff for all of the hard work that went towards achieving such great results - we are very proud of you!
Mrs Cox