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Return to school - 8th March

Dear parents and carers,

We are excited to be welcoming all of the children back to school on Monday 8th March. We have missed them and we know how important it is for them to be back with their teachers and friends and to enjoy the routine that school brings.

As I mentioned in my previous update, very little has changed from the arrangements that were in place during the Autumn term, with a quick summary of the key changes being:

  • Primary aged children will not be expected to wear masks in school

  • Staff will continue to wear face masks in communal areas and at certain other times, for example, when social distancing cannot be maintained.

  • Primary aged children will not be tested for Covid-19 in school.

  • Staff are tested using rapid lateral flow Covid-19 tests twice a week

  • Family members of school aged children are eligible to book a rapid lateral flow Covid-19 test here:

Otherwise, the normal timings, entrance and exit routines remain the same. The details of which can be found here:

We look forward to welcoming all parents on to the school site later in the summer term should the lifting of restrictions take place as it is hoped. In the meantime, please could I draw your attention to the need for social distancing on the pavements outside of school at drop off and collection. It will seem busy on the first few days back and we find that it greatly helps if parents arrive throughout the 10-minute slot rather than queuing on the pavements beforehand. Please pay close attention to the signs directing parents where to wait and we would also ask that only 1 parent comes on to the school site and that a face covering is worn. Please could Year 3 and 4 parents leave as swiftly as possible having dropped off and collected your child to avoid congestion on the site.

The normal school uniform will be in place. Please let your child’s teacher know via a note if you need some time to purchase any new items and we will be as understanding as possible. We will let you know when it is your child’s PE day following their return on Monday and will be asking that they continue to wear a PE kit to school with a school uniform jumper over the top.

All pupils will have to attend school as per the government guidelines. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s return and we will work with you to support this. Further information about attendance can be found here:

If your child, or a household member, has Covid-19 symptons or tests positive for Covid-19 you will need to follow the guidelines for self-isolating and they must not attend school:

We will continue to have remote learning available on our website for children that need to self-isolate and laptops will be available should a class bubble have to self-isolate following confirmation of a positive test in school. We will be in touch separately about the staggered return of laptops.

We have been planning for the return of the pupils for some time now. We will spend time reconnecting with them, listening to any concerns they have and giving them a chance to talk and share with each other. The curriculum will focus on key areas that need addressing and, in a few weeks, once they have all settled in, we will have assessments to give us an accurate and in depth understanding of their individual needs. This will help us with our plans for the summer term.

We do know that it will be important to focus on the wider needs of the children, beyond the academic learning, and we are planning how this can be addressed both in school and through extra-curricular activities. We look forward to sharing our plans with you and listening to you about how, together, we can shape things moving forwards.

Finally, I would like to pay tribute to you all, the children and the staff for the support and determination you have shown throughout this whole year. I believe that it has highlighted the strength of our community spirit and I am hopeful of better times ahead.

Please do get in touch by phone or by emailing if you have any questions, ideas, concerns or comments.

Warm regards,

Mr Le Bredonchel

Head Teacher

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Contact Us:

Jane Calvert (Reception) 01271 863463


Head Teacher Mr Le Bredonchel

SENDCO Miss Claire Tanner



Ilfracombe Junior School

Princess Avenue

Ilfracombe Devon EX34 9LW

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