This half term, year 5 have been using the book 'Where My Wellies take me' to help them write poetry. Using powerful vocabulary to make expanded noun phrases, they have explored different moods, for example, this poem is intended to make the reader feel glum. Great work, year 5!
The High Street
It's bad to be out on the High Street,
not knowing where I'm going.
Through shops and arches;
only I know why.
Through the dark night and the dust,
under the wet, stormy clouds,
and the yellow lift of the sky.
And to halt at the noisy traffic,
and the drowning sound of the beeps.
Where the seagulls scavenge and the bins overflow,
and the tramp all dirty and dragging his feet,
And he lays in his cardboard home as the moon shines bright.
As the wind whips up the leaves and the winter smells ripe,
Snuggle in and wrap up light,
The recycling smashes in the street,
Blowing on the tramp's cold feet,
Hear the children wanting to sleep as they try to hope and dream.
