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Our Town

Updated: Sep 25, 2019

To start the term off in an exciting and creative way, the whole of Ilfracombe Junior School took part in three days of art, where they were involved in producing artwork linked to Ilfracombe, inspired by artists or techniques. Year 3 created houses made out of clay, which they painted in many colours and included fine details to represent our array of houses around Ilfracombe. Year 4 studied Vincent Van Gogh and each painted a scene from Ilfracombe in his style. Year 5 worked together on huge group pieces, where they printed textures and shapes to show how diverse Ilfracombe harbour is. Finally, Year 6 looked at the artist Afremov and created individual pieces of the landmark in his colourful, dynamic style.

By Tom Lawton 3CO

By Natasha Salter 4AC

Printed by 5DS

By Olivia Towey 6WS


Contact Us:

Jane Calvert (Reception) 01271 863463


Head Teacher Mr Le Bredonchel

SENDCO Miss Claire Tanner



Ilfracombe Junior School

Princess Avenue

Ilfracombe Devon EX34 9LW

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