Our wonderful school Library is now open at lunchtimes and after school!
We are delighted to announce our fantastically stocked library – with over 2000 books - is now open to all pupils as part of our lunch time provision. Children can visit the library to swap books, peruse the shelves or just nestle into a really good book.
We are also delighted to announce that our school library will be open to the families after school from Monday 1st November, Monday – Friday, 3.15pm-3.45pm. Please feel free to come in and enjoy this amazing space with all your family.
Volunteer Reading Buddies
We understand how important it is to make reading a lifetime passion and accessible to all.
To help our pupils continue to practice reading to their best, we are looking for some smiley, enthusiastic Reading Buddy volunteers who can commit to regular afternoons each week to hear children read. The Reading Buddies will ensure:
- Readers are heard and supported with the reading of their book
- Readers are engaged in discussion about the book and the reader’s views
- Readers are encouraged with positivity and prompted to succeed
- Reading sessions are logged in the reader’s Reading Journal
If this is a role that you know you are excited about, and can commit to the time each week, please contact the School Office for further details.