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Making Minibeasts

The Year 3 groups worked hard to make minibeast sculptures using a range of materials including wire. They had to explore different techniques and strategies to get the shapes they wanted. This was great fun and allowed them to be really creative. It also required lots of resilience, patience and perseverance. We are so proud of what they achieved!

I loved using the wire to make different shapes and to build the body of my minibeast.' James Bates

'I loved making it. I did find it tricky but I got there in the end because I kept persevering.' Charlie Earle

'I liked using felt as it helped me make the body of my caterpillar soft and fluffy.' Annabelle Roche

'I liked being able to use so many different materials to make our minibeasts. It was really fun!' Frankie Roddis


Contact Us:

Jane Calvert (Reception) 01271 863463


Head Teacher Mr Le Bredonchel

SENDCO Miss Claire Tanner



Ilfracombe Junior School

Princess Avenue

Ilfracombe Devon EX34 9LW

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