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Head Teacher Update #3

Dear parents and carers

May I start by saying a big thank you to everybody who has taken the time to give the school positive feedback recently. We know this takes a big effort but these kind words really are appreciated and do so much to help sustain the energy of the staff. I would also like to thank all of the parents that were able to attend a meeting this week to kick start our renewed school P.T.F.A (Parents, Teachers & Friends Association) and who shared their energy and enthusiasm for the school and for developing even stronger links with the local community. I am very excited about the potential of this group and if any other parents would like to be involved in any way, big or small, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

All of the teachers were together for a series of training sessions today where we discussed and developed ideas for the school's continued improvement. I am so proud of the teachers and the creativity and expertise that they share with each other. Having such a big teaching staff really is an advantage in the sense that we are able to have subject leaders for every subject who are so enthusiastic and knowledgeable in their field.

Miss Cox is currently leading on developing links across all of the subjects in the curriculum. As an example, she is looking at how different year groups build on pupils' prior learning in History in order to review what they have learnt. Miss Cox also helps to link the different subjects together so that learning in History can be applied and built upon in Geography lessons. This is why, in year 4, a unit of work in Geography explores the Mediterranean region and this is then carefully sequenced between History topics on the Greeks and the Romans.

Mr Alcock is leading on our focus on STEM. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths and Mr Alcock is making links with local and national businesses and organisations. Mr Alcock has now planned to organise various trips, activities and visitors which we hope will excite and engage the children in STEM. It is also a great way for the children to become more aware of future careers in STEM industries and we would love to encourage any parents who may be involved in STEM based careers to get in touch if they would like to share their work with our children.

We are working hard to put the final touches to the curriculum pages of the website very soon and here you will be kept up to date with information and examples of what takes place in all of the subjects across the school. In the meantime, if you would like to have any further conversations about our curriculum, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me by contacting Lesley French at the school reception. I have updated the About Us section of the website where you will be able to see, amongst other things, our school development priorities and the amazing SATs progress scores for year 6 pupils from last year.

I hope you all enjoy the half term break and we look forward to welcoming the pupils back on Monday 28th October.

Mr Le Bredonchel



Contact Us:

Jane Calvert (Reception) 01271 863463


Head Teacher Mr Le Bredonchel

SENDCO Miss Claire Tanner



Ilfracombe Junior School

Princess Avenue

Ilfracombe Devon EX34 9LW

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