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Half Term Work for Year 5

We can't believe we are already half a term in and approaching the holidays.  Your children have been amazing and settled back into 'normal' school life so well.  Thank you for your support with home learning and your attendance at parent meetings, it makes our jobs so much easier!

Over half term, please continue to read with your child 5x a week and support them in completing their MyMaths homework. As a fun (optional) half term task, we would like to draw your attention to the following competition which links well with our upcoming Space topic in the Spring term.

Good luck! Kind regards and happy holidays!

The Year 5 Team

Dark Skies Haiku Challenge

For the chance to win your very own Celestron telescope, we are inviting young people of school age to join our poetry challenge and create a Haiku poem inspired by Exmoor’s Dark Skies. The poems must be a traditional Haiku in three lines of five, seven, five syllables. Download the Word document here to find out more. You'll find some tips on this YouTube film by children's author Peta Rainford . She reads from her popular book 'Jacob Starke loves the Dark' and leads a short drawing session for young families. Her book is available from Exmoor National Park Centres or on-line shop. Peta also explains how to write a Haiku poem in the film. – you could  win a Celestron telescope! Watch it now!

Click here to watch the film on You Tube: (see 17.30 minutes in for the Haiku section)

Submit your entries, including your name and age to, closing date 7th November.

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