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Exciting News - Podcast available!

Our Year 5 pupils have been lucky enough to work with Fiona Hennessy-White, the creator of the 'Box of Frogs' podcasts. Here they discuss how to use social media positively and how it links with our school values.

The podcast can be listened to by clicking on the links below. The Buzzsprout link includes a further description of the project. A huge thankyou to Fiona and please share this widely as we help her to climb the charts!

Buzzsprout (internet based access)

iTunes (podcast channel)

Spotify (podcast channel)

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Contact Us:

Jane Calvert (Reception) 01271 863463


Head Teacher Mr Le Bredonchel

SENDCO Miss Claire Tanner



Ilfracombe Junior School

Princess Avenue

Ilfracombe Devon EX34 9LW

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