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Coronavirus Update 16/3/20

Dear parents and carers I am writing with an update on the school's response so far to Covid-19 and some considerations moving forward. Up to this point, we have carefully followed the guidance from the Department for Education (DFE) and this has been focussed on maintaining good hygiene within school. All pupils wash their hands as a class, 6 times a day at key points and we have now further resourced this with soft towels and soap. If your child is having a skin reaction please do feel free to send them in with a bar of soap or lotion that is more suitable for them. The government has so far decided that schools should remain open. Where there have been closures this should have been in response to a confirmed case and under the direction of Public Health England and this has not been the case for us. Last week the government announced that if pupils or staff are showing symptoms of coronavirus then they should self isolate at home for 7 days. These symptoms are characterised by a persistent cough or fever. Quite rightly, these absences from school will be authorised as will those absences for pupils who have been in contact with a confirmed case. I fully understand that some parents will want to keep their children off as a precautionary measure however the current guidance is that pupils should still attend school. We are currently making plans for home learning for those pupils who are having to remain at home for 7 days and the teachers have been preparing packs to be sent home very soon. We are also exploring some options for work to be set online via the website should the school have to close for an extended period of time. Apart from the additional handwashing and the need to cancel 2 school trips this week, school life continues as normal. The teachers have all spent time with their classes talking about the current situation and providing reassurance and opportunities for the pupils to share any concerns. Moving forward, I will share any updates as soon as I have them. I am in contact with both the Infants school, Ilfracombe Academy and the Town Council and will update you as soon as there are any significant changes. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to get in touch should you wish to discuss anything. As always, both Ms Foster and myself will be available before and after school in the top and bottom playgrounds. Kind regards Mr Le Bredonchel

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Contact Us:

Jane Calvert (Reception) 01271 863463


Head Teacher Mr Le Bredonchel

SENDCO Miss Claire Tanner



Ilfracombe Junior School

Princess Avenue

Ilfracombe Devon EX34 9LW

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