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Author Visit

Year 5 and 6 were very fortunate to have a visit from John Townsend. John is an author, who has published over 200 children’s books! He spoke about his fiction and non-fiction texts and gave us lots of new facts about our Geography topics.

We all got engaged with the session, sharing our own facts and asking lots of questions. We even got to join in being the ‘dun, dun, dun’ noise whenever John gave us a scary fact. The children really enjoyed the assembly and were laughing throughout at John’s funny jokes. The buzz he created continued long after the assembly had finished.

Thank you John!

'The assembly was really funny. He kept making us jump and make noises. He got us engaged by asking lots of questions. I also liked that he told us about his research and how he wrote his books.' Georgia 6RM

'I really liked that he was very funny. I learnt that some snakes are best left to live in the wild.' Micah 6RM



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