The PE & Sport Mission:
All pupils have opportunities to develop their talents by participating in competitive sports and activities to lead healthy, full and active lives.
Sport and PE have always been important in our school. To ensure the best quality teaching and learning, for our young athletes, our Sport & PE Offer is founded upon these guiding principles:
Healthy Participation
Challenge and Competition
Motor Competence
The PE Offer
At Ilfracombe Junior School, we learn how we can have healthy lives with an active lifestyle. If you would like more information about our PE and Sport Offer, please get in contact with Miss Phoebe Reed, PE & Sport Lead.
During P.E, we...
have fun and feel good;
get out of breath and increase our heart rate;
improve our Fundamental movement skills which are a specific set of skills that involve different body parts;
aim higher, move faster, become stronger;
learn about the body, how exercise can affect it and how we prevent injury;
work as a team and actively practise Fair Play;
practise and develop the twelve key fundamental movement skills: balancing, running, jumping, catching, hopping, throwing, galloping, skipping, leaping and kicking;
experience and participate in a wide variety of activities and sports;
and develop a healthy sense of competition.
We have 2 PE sessions every week and are very lucky to have great indoor and outdoor spaces so that PE can take place no matter what the weather! See the School Uniform page for details of the PE kit required. Below is our PE offer which also includes an annual 6-week swimming course.

Novice to the Expert...
First, we begin with the fundamentals:
Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) is the first phase of any PE unit. It provides a learner-centred approach that puts the needs and abilities of the participants first. It increases the students’ levels of enjoyment and participation, all the while providing them with the skills, they need to move confidently in a wide range of physical activities... Rather than playing full adult versions of sports, simplify the games aiming to match the challenge level of the game to the participants skill level.
Next, we develop our understanding of game play:
Pupils are taught and practise how to think like an athlete, gymnast, swimmer, rugby player and more! Activities move our athletes from the novice player to thinking tactically, refining game play, developing efficiency and working with a team.
Then, we play and compete:
Now the pupils have the knowledge of the skills and the understanding of the tactics, the games begin! Through mini class tournaments, pupils become the expert athlete, applying the skills and understanding that have been studied to lead to sporting success!

The Sport Offer
Inter-House Sport Tournaments
At the end of each half term, an Inter-House Sport Tournament is held featuring the focus sport of the half term's PE.
Pupils who have shown excellent effort and participation in their PE sessions are selected to represent their House. Every pupil during their time at our school participate in the House teams, putting to the test the skills and understanding learnt in PE. They compete for a chance to win points for their House and potentially clinch the House Cup at the end of the year!
Sports Day
It is the ultimate summer sporting event - Sports Day! Every pupil represents their house in a range of athletic disciplines - the traditional and the new! The day is split into two sessions: the morning session sees pupils compete in a range of games, and for the afternoon session, each year group competes to win vital points for their House cheered on by their families and friends.
Talent ID and Sport Coaching
In our school, we ant pupils to have the opportunity to excel, but also the opportunity to have deliberate practice.
Under the expert guidance of our qualified Sports Coach - John Williamson - pupils master the core skills with select groups of pupils (informed from PE sessions) to build up fundamental skills such as throwing, catching, running and jumping to help build confidence, resilience and motivation in sport.
For those pupils, who have demonstrated a strong aptitude to a sporting discipline, Coach Williamson holds regular coaching sessions to further progress their skills and talent in a particular sport. These sessions focus on elements beyond the fundamentals, such as teamwork and gameplay.
School Sport Clubs
Sports sessions run both after school and as part of structured play during lunchtimes.
Sporting Clubs:
Multi Sports
Lunchtime Sport:
Penalty shoots
Fitness Stations
Play Leaders
Our Play Leaders are trained to help support the fun & games at lunch & break times by organising their own activities for everyone to enjoy. They are excellent role models for the other pupils and really help the house competitions to run smoothly.
Regional Competitions and Tournaments
Our pupils represent Ilfracombe Church of England Junior School in a whole host of sporting events across the region each year. Below are the 'sporting traditions' with more being added each year:
Aquathlon (Ilfracombe & Torrington)
Stephen's Shield (Cross Country)
North Devon Schools Football Tournaments: Girls and Boys
Stephen’s Shield
Oceanfest Football Tournament

Our PE & Sports Lead: Phoebe Reed
Favourite Sport: Volleyball
Why am I passionate about Sport and PE in our school?:
From as early as I can remember, I have enjoyed being active from running around on the playground with friends to competing at a national level.
To be able to control your movements and body is a powerful thing and the additional benefits of learning and practicing coordination, discipline and teamwork can be seen in all areas of your life from academic studies to your own mental health and wellbeing.
I believe all children should be given the opportunity to try and find something that that they can feel successful with and proud of themselves, and I believe that sport and PE is the perfect vehicle for that!
Our Sports Coach: John Williamson
Hi I’m Coach Williamson, a sports coach at Ilfracombe Junior school.
I’m passionate about sport and PE at our school, as we have so many talented pupils. I want to give them every opportunity to succeed and sample a wide range of sporting experiences.
As a team, we work on delivering an imaginative and inclusive PE curriculum and identifying sporting talent within the school.
Working with local community clubs, we showcase the skills of the children of Ilfracombe in local events such as the annual Aquathlon.
I’m always keen to increase participation in sports that the children would not ordinarily take part in, encouraging them to expand their sporting horizons.
As a qualified swim teacher and coach, it’s really important to me that every child leaves the school with the ability to swim and keep themselves safe in the water. This is an essential life skill for the children of Ilfracombe, living so close to the sea.
Finally, as a school we recognise the importance of delivering a programme that works on improving fundamental movements from a young age, keeping children active while having lots of fun!