OFSTED Inspection 24th-25th September 2024
Summary of key findings for parents and pupils:
The quality of education Good
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Good
Leadership and management Good
Previous inspection grade Good
​What is it like to attend this school?
‘Thriving together’ is at the heart of this school. Pupils develop highly positive attitudes to learning, which stand them in good stead for the next stage. This is because the school strives to give pupils the opportunities and skills that they need to be confident and active members of the communities in which they live.
When the youngest pupils join in Year 3, they quickly learn to meet the high expectations that the staff have of them in their learning and their conduct. They see this modelled successfully by the older pupils and staff. Pupils become increasingly respectful, caring and thoughtful individuals during their time at the school. This is evident in the strong and nurturing relationships that are in place between staff and pupils.
Many pupils face barriers to learning. This can be in the form of special educational needs and or disabilities (SEND), as well as other challenges. Pupils’ needs are identified quickly and accurately. Pupils trust staff and feel safe at school. As a result, they persevere to give their best efforts. Attendance is improving because pupils want to be in school. The school is viewed as ‘a sanctuary’ for its pupils. This is bolstered further by the enthusiasm that pupils have for their learning across the curriculum
The full report can be read here: Ilfracombe C of E Junior School OFSTED report.