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We are proud of being able to offer so many clubs
to so many children - they are an important part of
school life and your child's experience of a full and
rounded education.
Every child has the opportunity to join at least 6 after-
school club at different points throughout the year. Clubs
are run in blocks of up to 6 weeks. Places are free to all
children for one club each half term. If your child would
like to attend more than one club in a half term, an
additional fee of £2.00 per session is charged.
To book your child a place, please look out for letters
detailing the next block of clubs on offer, and use the
school's Gateway App.
Further extra-curricular activities will take place throughout the year for all children, including lunchtime clubs, visits and trips and sports competitions.
Below is the block of clubs that will be on offer for this term.

Clubs Blog
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