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 At Ilfracombe Church of England Junior School, we have developed a 'Character Curriculum' in order to help promote the exceptional personal development of our pupils.


Alongside our academic curriculum offer and many other personal development opportunities, this will contribute to forming well-educated and rounded young adults ready to take their place in the world.


The 4 main aims of our 'Character Curriculum' are to assist our pupils in developing:


  • The ability to remain motivated by long-term goals

This includes seeing a link between effort in the present and pay-off in the longer-term, overcoming/ persevering through (and learning from), setbacks when encountered

  •  The learning and habituation of positive moral attributes

Sometimes these are known as ‘virtues’. They include attributes such as courage, honesty, generosity, integrity, humility and a sense of justice

  •  The acquisition of social confidence and the ability to make points or arguments clearly and constructively

This involves listening attentively to the views of others, behaving with courtesy and good manners and speaking persuasively to an audience

  •  An appreciation of the importance of long-term commitments which frame the successful and fulfilled life

This could be a commitment to a spouse/ partner,, a role or vocation, the local community, to faith or world view. This helps individuals to put down deep roots and gives stability and longevity to lifetime endeavours.


We have a different theme for each term that we focus on.

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Throughout the year, our pupils are given opportunities to discuss and reflect  on each of the aspects of the 'Character Curriculum'. 


They are building their character and writing their own story. 


Autumn Term 1 –  ‘Respect’


  • Respecting ourselves

  • Respecting others

  • Respecting the planet, nature, animals and things.


Respect is a British fundamental value and we have explored what it is, how you can be respectful and why is it important.  We have been celebrating it in action in class and our whole school assembly each week.


The theme for every other half term is supported by key text that each class reads. ‘Wonder’ by R.J. Palacio was the chosen text for the theme of respect.


Respecting yourself:


•Come into school prepared and looking smart in your school uniform (with the correct PE kit)


•Focus and try your best 


•Ask & answer questions

•Walk quietly & sensibly in corridors and around the school

•Practise the '10 a day' to look after your physical &mental health

•Recognise your 'Zones' & use strategies to support 


Respecting others:


•Show respect to all members of staff & pupils 


•Track the speaker, one voice at a time


•Respond politely/ use manners


•Resolve conflicts respectfully using the SOLVE policy (this week in class)


•Use kind words

•Treat others how you'd like to be treated


What our pupils say:


 â€˜I was respectful to myself when I didn’t give up.’ 

Imogen, Year 4


 â€˜I show respect to my teachers because I wait, listen to what they say and share my ideas if I have one. By focusing on respect, it has made me be a better version of me and a kinder person each day.’

Scott, Year 5



 â€˜I demonstrated respect when I resolved conflict calmly and fairly with a classmate.’

Ivy, Year 5


 â€˜I have shown respect for myself by always being ready for class.’

Isla, Year 5


Aspiration & Excellence

Autumn Term 2 –  Aspiration & Excellence
The theme for this half term has been 'Aspiration & Excellence'.


  • Aspiration- a hope or ambition of achieving something.

  • Striving for BIG THINGS! 

  • Want the best for yourself, for others and the world. 

  • What can you do to achieve this?


  • Excellence- the quality of being extremely good or outstanding.

  • Want this for yourself, for your class, for our school, our community and beyond!

  • What can you do to influence this?


We have been sharing examples in our weekly assemblies of 'excellence' in our work and have welcomed visitors to our school to inspire us to think about or future careers.


Further Personal Development Opportunities 

Alongside our 'Character Curriculum', we carefully plan further activities and opportunities throughout the year.  Many of these are linked to our academic curriculum but we also have a wide range of extra-curricular activities that help to promote the pupils' wider personal development.

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Contact Us:

Jane Calvert (Reception) 01271 863463


Head Teacher Mr Le Bredonchel

SENDCO Miss Claire Tanner



Ilfracombe Junior School

Princess Avenue

Ilfracombe Devon EX34 9LW

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