IJS Public Health Nursing TeamSchool Nursing service for parents/carers and primary aged children Parents/carers can contact the public health nursing team (health...
IJSHalf Term Work for Year 5We can't believe we are already half a term in and approaching the holidays. Your children have been amazing and settled back into...
IJSPlease Return Library BooksWe are asking that all school library books be returned to school as soon as possible. There will be a plastic box in the school driveway...
IJSCollective WorshipThis week's Collective Worship is about Hope and is led by Father John Roles, who is a school Governor and our Year 6 Chaplain....
IJS Maths!The milestones for this half term's maths have been published to the Maths pages and each year group's Pupil Pages. We are working on...
IJSExpanding VocabularyIn order to develop and expand our children's vocabulary, each week we run discrete vocabulary sessions. In class, a new word is...
IJS Antarctica - Year 6There is a new, Geography Knowledge Organiser on the Year 6 pupil page https://www.ilfracombe-jun.devon.sch.uk/year-6. Year 6 are...
IJS Typing SkillsPupils in year 3 and year 4 are practising their typing skills and we use this great resource from the BBC: https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/...
IJSNew Topic of Antarctica in Year 6As Year 6 are beginning our new topic of Antarctica next half term, we would like all the children to have gained some insight and...
IJSYear 3 Book ReviewsEach child has been asked to prepare a book review about a book they have been reading at home. On Monday 29th October, a dedicated time...
IJS WW2 ProjectAs part of the Summer Home Learning Project, all about World War 2, Connor researched and developed a presentation about a little known...